[Linux-bruxelles] ING homebanking wxwindows ING Home'Bank Support linux beta tester

ING Home'Bank Support homebank at ingsupport.be
Ven 24 Juin 14:58:50 CEST 2005


Concerning the post mentioned on
We are currently testing a new beta version of the Security Module for linux
This version works on Ubuntu linux but only if you install a package that is
not installed by default.

Ubuntu is missing a library and a symbolic link for the SM
to install the SM in ubuntu follow this procedure
go to "System" - "Administration" - "Synaptec Package Manager"
enter the root password

if the root password has not yet been defined
go to the command box and type in the following command
sudo password root

In the "Synaptec Package Manager" window go to "Settings" - "Repositories"

click on "Add"

select "Cummunity Maintained (Universe)" an click on "OK"

click on "OK" you will receive the following window

click on "Yes
perform a search on libstdc

in the results, search for the one marked below and install it

Now open a command window en log in as root
enter the following command

ls libtif*

check in the results if libtiff.so.3 is present if not, enter the following

ln -s libtiff.so.4 libtiff.so.3

exit as root by using the command exit

download and save the latest version of the SM in this case

in the command window enter the folowing command

tar -zxf HomeBank320_X11-2-x86.tar.gz

go to the HomeBank folder

type in the setup command

type in . /home/(username)/.bashrc

try launching the SM


The graphical interface for the SM should now appear

We are currently still searching testers for our beta version so please do
not post the link to the beta version on your site yet because we need to
monitor who downloads the beta version. But if you know people who want to
test, please send a list in reply to this mail so that we can contact them.
The beta version has already been tested with RedHat 9, Fedora Core 1 and 2,
Ubuntu and Gentoo but we still need to test other versions of linux.


Dieter Monstrey
ING South West Europe
Customer Desk
Electronic Banking Support (Helpdesk 2nd level Home'Bank)
fax 32 2 7388283
homebank at ingsupport.be

P.S.: normally you should see images in this mail if this is not the case,
please send a reply I will then adjust the mail so that the explanation is
completely in text mode.
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