[Linux-bruxelles] format .TTA illisible sous Gnu/Linux ?

Alain Belkadi xigulor at linuxbeach.be
Ven 13 Jan 16:32:00 CET 2012

On Fri, January 13, 2012 16:25, Aldo wrote:

> OK, vais voir si sous Ubuntu LTS je sais lire ça en ligne de commande,
> mais pour convertir en wav ou mp3 tu as une idée ?
> en general je fais ça avec l'option -ao pcm de mplayer.

ffmpeg en version récente le permets de ce que je lis sur le net.

Sinon pour vlc en ligne de commande :

You can Play Your Favorite Music in Terminal with vlc
In your terminal prompt, type the following:
$vlc -I ncurses /home/user_name/filename.mp3
If you want to play the folder of complete mp3 files then give the path of
folder which contains mp3 files.
$vlc -I ncurses /home/user_name/music_folder
Where the -I option is, specify the interface–in yourcase, it’s ncurses.It
will open a ncurses interface in the terminal, where you can increase or
decrease the volume by using A or Z keys and press H for further options.
 Also note that/home/dan/filename.mp3 is an example of music file. You can
open any number of files by using a wildacrd such as *. For

Source : http://www.parveenarora.in/vlc_music_in_terminal

[Alain Belkadi]

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