[Linux-bruxelles] help Gallery2

Luc Viatour l.viatour at mm.be
Mer 21 Fév 09:56:24 CET 2007

Le mercredi 21 février 2007 à 09:43 +0100, denis a écrit :
> Le mercredi 21 février 2007 à 09:32 +0100, Luc Viatour a écrit :
> > J'en sais rien, mais pour vérifier ou désactiver les "watermaks"je
> > dois
> > avoir accès à la galerie! 
> A priori, tu as toujours accès à l'admin:
> http://www.lucnix.be/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.UserAdmin&g2_subView=core.UserLogin&g2_return=main.php%3F&&g2_returnName=album

Merci, j'ai désactivé le module "watermaks" mais cela ne va pas mieux.

Je suis allé dans l'admin "maintenance". Là j'ai activé tous les outils
de maintenance, un seul n'a pas fonctionné c'est "Build all

Il donne un message de Debug énorme et je ne vois pas ce que je sais en

        Smarty Debug Console
included templates & config files
(load time in seconds):
no templates included
assigned template variables:
Array (2)
idList => shell
data => Array (1)
  shell => Array (44)
    type => image
    name => Shells
    imageTL =>
    widthTL => 58
    heightTL => 58
    imageTTL => empty
    widthTTL => 0
    imageTT =>
    heightTT => 58
    imageTTR => empty
    widthTTR => 0
    imageTR =>
    widthTR => 58
    heightTR => 58
    imageLLT => empty
    heightLLT => 0
    imageLL =>
    widthLL => 58
    imageLLB => empty
    heightLLB => 0
    imageRRT => empty
    heightRRT => 0
    imageRR =>
    widthRR => 58
    imageRRB => empty
    heightRRB => 0
    imageBL =>
    widthBL => 58
    heightBL => 58
    imageBBL => empty
    widthBBL => 0
    imageBB =>
    heightBB => 58
    imageBBR => empty
    widthBBR => 0
    imageBR =>
    widthBR => 58
    heightBR => 58
    wHL => 0
    wHR => 0
    hVT => 0
    hVB => 0
    rowspan => 1
    colspan => 1
Array (2)
action => Array (1)
  runTask => 1
formName => empty
Array (3)
tpl => Array (1)
  modules/imageframe/templates/ImageFrameHead.tpl => modules_imageframe
style => Array (1)
  0 =>
javascript => Array (1)
  0 => modules/search/SearchBlock.js

Array (0)
Array (12)
themeUrl => themes/carbon
guestPreviewMode => 0
actingUserId => 6
markupType => bbcode
params => Array (26)
  albumBlocks => Array (1)
    0 => Array (2)
      0 => comment.ViewComments
      1 => Array (0)
  albumBlocks2 => Array (0)
  albumFrame => none
  colorpack => empty
  columns => 4
  copyright => ©Luc Viatour GFDL
  extraLink => empty
  extraLinkUrl => empty
  fullSize => 1
  itemFrame => none
  maxMicroThumbs => 128
  navigatorPhotoBottom => 1
  navigatorPhotoTop => 1
  photoBlocks => Array (2)
    0 => Array (2)
      0 => exif.ExifInfo
      1 => Array (0)
    1 => Array (2)
      0 => comment.ViewComments
      1 => Array (0)
  photoBlocks2 => Array (0)
  photoFrame => none
  photoProperties => 1
  rows => 4
  showAlbumOwner => 1
  showImageOwner => 0
  showMicroThumbs => 1
  sidebarBlocks => Array (4)
    0 => Array (2)
      0 => search.SearchBlock
      1 => Array (1)
        showAdvancedLink => 1
    1 => Array (2)
      0 => core.ItemLinks
      1 => Array (1)
        useDropdown => 
    2 => Array (2)
      0 => core.PeerList
      1 => Array (0)
    3 => Array (2)
      0 => imageblock.ImageBlock
      1 => Array (0)
  sidebarTop => 60
  _requiredCoreApi => 7,0
  _requiredThemeApi => 2,1
  _version => 1.1.1
useFullScreen => 
pageType => progressbar
item => Array (23)
  theme => carbon
  orderBy => orderWeight
  orderDirection => asc
  canContainChildren => 1
  description => The main page of\r
\nLuc Viatour Photogr...
  keywords => Luc Viatour
photography photo image n...
  ownerId => 6
  summary => Photography by Luc
  title => Luc Viatour
  viewedSinceTimestamp => 1172047825
  originationTimestamp => 1171982425
  pathComponent => empty
  id => 7
  creationTimestamp => 1171982425
  isLinkable => 0
  linkId => empty
  linkedEntity => empty
  modificationTimestamp =>
  serialNumber => 67
  entityType => GalleryAlbumItem
  onLoadHandlers => empty
  _persistentStatus => Array (2)
    flags => 0
    originalValue => Array (21)
      theme => carbon
      orderBy => orderWeight
      orderDirection => asc
      canContainChildren => 1
      description => The main page
of\r\nLuc Viatour Photogr...
      keywords => Luc Viatour
photography photo image n...
      ownerId => 6
      summary => Photography by Luc
      title => Luc Viatour
      viewedSinceTimestamp =>
      originationTimestamp =>
      pathComponent => empty
      parentId => 0
      id => 7
      creationTimestamp =>
      isLinkable => 0
      linkId => empty
      modificationTimestamp =>
      serialNumber => 67
      entityType => GalleryAlbumItem
      onLoadHandlers => empty
  parentId => 0
children => Array (0)
parents => Array (0)
parent => empty
systemLinks => Array (3)
  core.SiteAdmin => Array (2)
    text => Site Admin
    params => Array (2)
      view => core.SiteAdmin
      return => 1
  core.YourAccount => Array (2)
    text => Your Account
    params => Array (3)
      view => core.UserAdmin
      subView =>
      return => 1
  core.Logout => Array (2)
    text => Logout
    params => Array (2)
      controller => core.Logout
      return => 1
Array (18)
userName => admin
fullName => Gallery Administrator
hashedPassword => HgG]f7b...
email => l.viatour at mm.be
language => fr_FR
id => 6
creationTimestamp => 1171982425
isLinkable => 0
linkId => empty
linkedEntity => empty
modificationTimestamp => 1171983128
serialNumber => 2
entityType => GalleryUser
onLoadHandlers => empty
_persistentStatus => Array (2)
  flags => 0
  originalValue => Array (13)
    userName => admin
    fullName => Gallery
    hashedPassword =>
    email => l.viatour at mm.be
    language => fr_FR
    id => 6
    creationTimestamp => 1171982425
    isLinkable => 0
    linkId => empty
    modificationTimestamp =>
    serialNumber => 2
    entityType => GalleryUser
    onLoadHandlers => empty
isGuest => 
isRegisteredUser => 1
isAdmin => 1
assigned config file variables
(outer template scope):
Array (0)
Array (0)
Luc Viatour   -  Dupedi S.A.           
rue de Stalle - 70-82 - 1180 Bruxelles    
Tél: 32.2.333.07.18 - Fax: 32.2.332 05 98 
Web-site: www.dupedi.be  -  www.villas-et-prestige.be

Page perso: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilisateur:Lviatour

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