[Linux-bruxelles] après Fedora, voici OpenSuSE: Suse Linux 10.0 Beta available as download from next week on

Osvaldo La Rosa blinuxman at tuxfamily.org
Ven 5 Aou 23:13:58 CEST 2005

L'Américain RedHat n'est plus la seule boîte commerciale 
derrière une distrib Gnu/Linux à avoir initié un projet dont le 
développement est repris en main par La Communauté (je sous-entend bien 
évidement Fedora): voici que l'Allemand SuSE (devenu Novell.com) lance le 
projet OpenSuSE (cf. http://opensuse.org/) pour la prochaine SuSE 10.0...

Suse Linux 10.0 Beta 
available as download 
from next week on http://www.heise.de/english/newsticker/news/print/62476

On Tuesday of next week Novell http://www.novell.com/ intends to launch its 
Community Project openSUSE http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/62400 with 
a first beta of the next Suse Linux Version 10.0. On opensuse.org, 
opensuse.de and a number of mirror servers the company will make available 
for download complete CD images, the rpm packets and the source code. A 
Bugzilla system will receive the testers' patches and error messages. Suse 
Linux 10.0 is to be ready by October.

With Version 10.0 Novell is also aiming to kick off a community process in 
which external developers contributing to the Distribution can become 
maintainers for parts of the Distribution. Sometime next year a complete 
infrastructure for an open development process is to be in place. Novell 
will continue to pay developers for work on Suse Linux, whilst in addition 
making the build system available and taking care of marketing. Besides free 
downloads, what are planned are supplements in books and magazines, free CDs 
and DVDs at events, as well as boxes with manuals and installation support - 
previously familiar with regard to the commercial product Suse Linux 
Professional. The next version too of the Suse Linux Enterprise Server is to 
rise on the foundations of the Community Linux code.

It was the goal of the openSUSE Project to create, through multiple channels 
of distribution and by involving the Linux Community in the development 
process, as broad a user base as possible for Suse Linux, Greg 
Mancusi-Ungaro, Director of Marketing of Suse Products, explained in a talk 
with heise online. The object was to market Suse Linux aggressively and 
spark a "Lizard Blizzard," he said referring obliquely to the green 
chameleon that appears in the Suse Linux logo. Suse Linux was to be there at 
hand on everyone's preferred path, he added. (Robert W. Smith) / (jk/c't)

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