[Linux-bruxelles] Winpopup libre ?

Gaëtan Frenoy gaetan at frenoy.net
Mar 2 Nov 12:12:59 CET 2004


> Je recherche un système qui permettent d'envoyer à tous les utilisateurs
> un message sur mon réseau.

> Nous utilisions Winpopup (logiciel de messagerie instantanée pour LAN
> sans serveur), mais j'aimerais une alternative libre et qui serait
> compatible GNU/Linux.

 smbclient ?

 Voir option "-M" sur http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/smbclient.1.html

-M NetBIOS name

    This options allows you to send messages, using the "WinPopup"
protocol, to another computer. Once a connection is established you
then type your message, pressing ^D (control-D) to end.

    If the receiving computer is running WinPopup the user will receive
the message and probably a beep. If they are not running WinPopup the
message will be lost, and no error message will occur.

    The message is also automatically truncated if the message is over
1600 bytes, as this is the limit of the protocol.

    One useful trick is to cat the message through smbclient. For example:
cat mymessage.txt | smbclient -M FRED will send the message in the
file mymessage.txt to the machine FRED.

    You may also find the -U and -I options useful, as they allow you to
control the FROM and TO parts of the message.

    See the message command parameter in the smb.conf(5) for a description
of how to handle incoming WinPopup messages in Samba.

    Note: Copy WinPopup into the startup group on your WfWg PCs if you
want them to always be able to receive messages.


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