[Linux-bruxelles] Introduction de l'open source dans l'administration .

Marc HEERBRANT marc.heerbrant at wanadoo.be
Dim 29 Juin 10:01:11 CEST 2003

Un article intéressant à lire (en anglais) sur:

La municipalité de Munich a choisi l'Open source pour deux raisons priciplaes:
-le coût
-la sécurité 

J'ai particulièrement noté ces quelques phrases issues des derniers paragraphes
de l'article :

"The German government is streets ahead of every other EU administration in
understanding the Microsoft threat to the world's IT infrastructure. "

" European developers as a whole have made disproportionate contributions to the
free software movement. Professor Jones thinks cultural variations may explain
the preponderance of European effort."

"If you are a German-speaking engineer, the only way you can play in software
and have impact is in open source,' he said. 'Also there are countries that
recognise the value of community. Europeans tend to place a greater emphasis on
society, while Americans focus more on individualism."

"That sounds about right. It's no surprise that Americans have dominated the
shrink-wrapped proprietary software business. But when it comes to creating
software as a communal resource, Europe may have an inbuilt advantage. Linux,
don't forget, came from Finland. "

This mail was sent through webmail.wanadoo.be

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